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Certificate from POSHAN Abhiyaan E-Learning ICMR-NIN Modules

    Certificate from POSHAN Abhiyaan E-Learning ICMR-NIN Modules

    Hello, friends today we talk about Certificate from POSHAN Abhiyaan E-Learning ICMR-NIN Modules. The main focus of this certificate to educate people on nutritional knowledge in our daily life. So, these modules are containing valuable scientific information. These are designed for all . These modules will help you to eat right and lead a healthy life. Be Nutrition- conscious and help spread your new knowledge

    Sipna College of Engineering & Technology, Amravati (MH)

    Poshan Abhiyaan Quiz- Get Govt Certificate

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    Poshan Maah 2022 Quiz- Get free Govt Certificate

    Click Here to take part in another Govt Quiz..

    30 thoughts on “Certificate from POSHAN Abhiyaan E-Learning ICMR-NIN Modules”

    1. received e certificate in pdf formate but there is no signature in them eg director etc.will they valid or its a mistake

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